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Review Paper First Draft


Theory of mind.

Testing the theory of mind.


Executive Function.

1- When I read the articles, I understand it this way>>> And it ends up meaning something else, what should I do?

2- I know what I want to write about, I have a controversial point in the issue I am going to write about. Now, how could I from that find a pattern to create an indirect argument and add myself into the dialogue?

Cortical Mechanisms of Human Imitation (1999)

  • They fMRI
  • They found the left frontal operculum and the the right anterior parietal cortex have an imitation mechanism.
  • This includes the Broca’s area in the brain which is responsible for speech and language acquisition.
  • It suggests that the frontal lobe neurons describes the observed screen, while the parietal lobe is responsible for measuring the details of the movements. Which then enables the person to imitate the actions. 

Action recognition in the premotor cortex (1996) (results on monkeys)

  • Imitation in most of the time triggers the object mirror neurons when the action is performed between a person and an object.
  • The most effective parts for imitation are the actions of the mouth and the hands.
  • Though the study was measured the effect of observing movements on monkeys it suggested using other studies that human also may have mirroring neurons.
  • THe Mirroring neurons mainly in the F5 region of the brain or the motor cortex, which get increasingly evoked when observing an action, as the which recives the information from the premotor areas of the brain.
  • The second evidence is the flow of the blood in the human brain observed by the PET during observing movement.
  • In conclusion it indicates that these observation in past research are the same observation found on monkeys when the observe actions.
  • The parts that contains the mirror neurons are the 5F and the Temporal sulcus region.

Modulation of mu suppression in children with autism spectrum disorders in response to familiar or unfamiliar stimuli: The mirror neuron hypothesis (2008)

  • Experiences that has been stating that Autistic children have mirroring neuron deficiency has been probably as a result of the action performed by strangers.
  • It reports that when actions are performed by familiar people to the infants it is more likely that the infants would imitate the actions (that is either infants with ASD, or normally brain developed infants)

Normal Movement Selectivity in Autism (2010)

  • Used fMRI to measure scan the brain during the imitation process. Comparing the autistic group brain reaction to the normal developed group reaction.
  • It was found that those with autism Spectrum Disorder showed the same response to the imitation as the control group.
  • Meaning that the same brain cell responded to the imitation and observation of an action in both control and experimental autistic group.
  • However, it was reported that it would take more time for the autistic child to start imitating on an action than the normal developed person.

Mu Rhythm

Theory of mind? (should I include this as a background, when talking abou)

Mirror Neuron Hypothesis (empathy)


It is affecting the perception or the interpretation of action not the sensory.

A child with autism would not be able to understand these